6 Therapies and Tips for Scoliosis Treatment

18 Jun 6 Therapies and Tips for Scoliosis Treatment

Scoliosis Treatment

To help increase education, early detection, and awareness of scoliosis, June has been declared National Scoliosis Awareness Month in the United States. If you have mild to moderate scoliosis, it may be possible to restore a straight spine with conservative methods. Here are six scoliosis treatment options to try before resorting to surgery.


One key way to adjust the spine is to perform stretches for scoliosis. Ask your chiropractor which stretches will work best for your specific situation. Here are three exercises that might work well for you:

  • Step down with one-arm reach: Does the excessive curve in your spine cause one leg to be longer than the other? If so, step onto a small box or stair with your longer leg. Bend into your opposite leg, lowering your knee toward the floor in a lunge position. As you move downward, raise the arm on the same side as your lowered leg as high in the air as you can. Hold for a few seconds, and then return to the starting position. Repeat this movement five to 10 times. Don’t repeat on the other side.
  • Upward and downward dog: Get onto a plank position, as if you were about to do pushups. Sink backward onto your heels and push your hips up toward the ceiling as far as your flexibility will allow. Hold for two seconds, and then return to the starting position. Repeat five to 10 times.
  • Split stance with arm reach: Stand up straight and take a big step forward with your longer leg. Shift your weight between your front and back legs, bending the forward knee as you shift onto it. As you do, reach up into the air with the arm on the opposite side of your forward leg. At the same time, reach your other arm behind you, palm facing up. Your torso should automatically twist toward the side of the forward leg. Hold for several seconds, and then drop your arms and twist back to center. Repeat five to 10 times on this side only.

Traction Treatment

Gentle traction exercises are a type of scoliosis treatment you can receive at Mile High Spine & Pain Center.

One method is to stand against a wall with a padded device placed under the chin and behind the neck. The patient bends their knees, and then straightens back up every two seconds for a few minutes total. This is a very gentle form of traction that keeps the patient in control the entire time. The exercise relaxes the spine and encourages healthy spinal discs.

A traction chair is another scoliosis treatment option. This device has a powerful effect on the spine, so it’s important to use it under the supervision of a trained professional. Treatment involves sitting in a scoliosis traction chair with straps across your torso. The machine simultaneously de-rotates, elongates, and straightens your spine. You may be asked to perform exercises while sitting in the chair that work in tandem with this treatment to correct your spinal positioning.

Vibration traction is yet another option for treating scoliosis. Just a few minutes standing or lying on a vibration platform can help relax tense muscles, calm irritated nerves, and relieve chronic pain. This scoliosis treatment is surprisingly simple, yet wonderfully effective, making it an indispensable tool for treating spinal misalignment.

A healthcare professional will help you determine which type of traction treatment is best for you.

Massage Therapy

Vibration isn’t the only thing that can relax tense muscles. You can also pursue massage therapy to target the precise muscles that make your back asymmetrical. A specific type of massage called tapotement uses a special percussive device to help the masseuse deliver an effective treatment for your condition.

Chiropractic Adjustments

When people think of scoliosis, they picture the characteristic S- or C-shaped side-to-side curve. However, the spine is three dimensional, and this condition can also affect the forward and backward curve of the spine at the neck and low back.

This is where chiropractic care can be valuable. Precise, gentle forces help push the bones of the cervical and lumbar spine back into position, helping to counteract lost curvature that can result in protruding shoulder blades and low back pain.


Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a scoliosis treatment aimed at calming irritated and compressed nerves in the back that cause muscle tightness. The therapy is performed using a TENS Unit and small electrodes placed on the skin. The electrical currents that pass through your tissues trigger a thermal, physiological, and chemical response. Treatment is safe, painless, and effective.

Lifestyle Changes

By altering some of your daily habits, you can maximize the effectiveness of your scoliosis treatment and support good spine health. Here are some suggestions:

  • Daily stretching: Perform the stretches highlighted above or those recommended by your chiropractor every day.
  • Anti-inflammatory diet: Eat foods that fight inflammation to reduce scoliosis pain.
  • Supplements: Enhance your nutrition with vitamin D to improve bone density; magnesium to improve bone health; omega-3 fatty acids for anti-inflammatory benefits; and turmeric to relieve chronic pain.
  • Sleeping modifications: Sleep on a medium-firm or firm mattress. Support your lower back with small pillows, and use a relatively flat contoured pillow for your head. Experiment with different sleeping positions, but avoid lying on your stomach.

Begin Scoliosis Treatment in Broomfield

If you or your child shows symptoms of a spinal abnormality, don’t ignore it. The sooner you begin scoliosis treatment, the better chances you have of realigning the spine and preventing complications from this condition. At Mile High Spine & Pain Center, we treat scoliosis with the therapies highlighted above to help you manage your symptoms. We may even be able to restore a straight, healthy spine!

Your journey toward a healthier spine begins with a free consultation at our Broomfield office. To schedule your appointment, please contact us at (720) 507-0080 today.

Mile High Spine & Pain Center