Joint Injections for Soothing Relief

03 Jul Joint Injections for Soothing Relief

joint injections

Love the thought of soothing relief for your injuries and ailments? An anti-inflammatory joint injection might be for you! Anti-inflammatory joint injections are coupled with many of our rehabilitative services to help you recover quicker from your injuries without being in pain as you strengthen your body. Common conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis and fibromyalgia can leave you hurting in your joints and bones. You may also be in pain from an accident, sports injury or other common problem. That pain doesn’t have to linger with localized pain relief through injections. We can treat many problems such as back and neck pain, sciatica, pinched nerves, inflammation and more.  Find out why today at Mile High Spine & Pain Center!

Common Causes of Joint Pain

One of the most common causes of joint pain is arthritis. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 22.7% of adults have doctor diagnosed arthritis. That’s around 54.4 million American adults! Arthritis is a term used to refer to joint pain or joint disease, and there are more than 100 different types. Common forms of arthritis that cause joint pain are osteoarthritis, psoriatic, reactive, rheumatoid, septic and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. In some cases, the joint pain is caused because the cartilage between the bones begins to wear away. The loss of that cushioning surface between the bones makes it so bone rubs against bone with movement. This can can chronic pain as well as swelling and stiffness. In other arthritis cases, the immune system mistakenly attacks the joints and erodes them away. Not all joint pain stems from arthritis. Some of the many other common causes of joint pain include:

  • Cancer/Leukemia
  • Lupus
  • Lyme Disease
  • Bursitis
  • Sprains, Strains and Dislocation
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Gout
  • Tendinitis

Relief Through Anti-Inflammatory Injections

Joint injections can relieve a myriad of problems such as back, neck and other forms of chronic pain. These injections are administered in the area that is causing you pain, sending swift soothing relief that lasts for weeks. How do they work though? A joint injection is an anesthetic shot that can help relieve the nerves that send out signals of pain to your brain. They are administered with a very small needle into the joint or area around the nerve that is in pain. This allows the medicine to be delivered right in the area that needs it. These injections also relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and reduce heat in addition to soothing your pain. Although anti-inflammatory injections are great temporary treatments for pain, they can’t resolve the origin of the problem causing you pain. That’s why we provide powerful rehabilitative services at our office.

Injections Work with Rehabilitative Therapies

Joint injections can’t fix the origin of your chronic pain problem, but rehabilitative therapies can help. Some of our therapies include:

  • Trigger-Point Therapy – The back and neck can develop tight knots of tension known as trigger points. These points can tense up and create knot-like lumps in the body that become painful. Trigger-point therapy seeks to find and release these knots, and your pain along with it.
  • Vibration Exercises – Exercises are used to combat muscle atrophy and to strengthen muscles. Vibration therapy uses intense vibrations that move throughout the body. These vibrations cause the muscles to tense and relax dozens of times per second, leaving the muscles toned and flexible in less than 10 minutes.
  • Neuropathy Treatment – Our neuropathy therapy treats the effects of damage or defects that occur within the peripheral nerve system. Problems with the nerves can cause chronic pain, tingling, numbness and more. Some of our neuropathy treatments that combat these symptoms include electrostimulation and massage therapy.
  • Dry Needle Therapy – This is also known as trigger-point dry needling or intramuscular stimulation. It involves inserting and manipulating needles into the muscle to relieve pain. This helps to release contracted muscles and reduce inflammation.

All of these treatments can be used in conjunction with anti-inflammatory injections to help you feel better and recover quicker.

What Are the Benefits?

There are many benefits to anti-inflammatory injections in addition to treating your chronic pain for weeks. Our injections provide localized pain relief that seeks to target the area actually ailing you. The injections get to work immediately as well, so you can actually feel your pain beginning to fade before you leave our office. One injection can provide you relief for weeks without any negative side effects. Anti-inflammatory injections naturally relieve inflammation, which helps to increase your range of motion and flexibility once more. This can help you move more freely the same day you receive your injection. What’s even better is that you don’t have to resort to narcotic pain medications for relief when you choose a joint injection. Injections can help you with the pain you feel, especially if that pain stems from arthritis. Because the injection adds a cushiony substance to the joint in pain, it can also help stop arthritic progression and help decrease further deterioration caused by arthritis.

Injections Help Many Problems

Injections help not only problems with arthritis pain but also help back pain, neck pain, headaches, migraines, sciatica and pinched nerves, knee pain, limited range of motion in the elbows and wrists, and shoulder inflammation.

If you are suffering from joint pain or inflammation, you can rely on the dependable pain-relieving power of anti-inflammatory injections. For your free consultation, call our Mile High Spine & Pain Center at (720) 507-0080 and discover a pain-free life today!

Mile High Spine & Pain Center