Healing Injuries After an Auto Accident

19 Jun Healing Injuries After an Auto Accident

auto accident

It only takes a moment for an auto accident to occur, but drivers and passengers can be plagued by physical injuries and ailments for weeks, months and even a lifetime. One of the most important actions someone can take after an auto accident is to have a professional physical assessment of their injuries and receive treatment. The first 24-48 hours is critical to determining if something is wrong in the body. Some symptoms don’t even manifest directly after an auto-accident, so having an assessment within the first few days can show problems you weren’t aware of initially. At Mile High Spine & Pain Center, we provide immediate action for auto-injuries with our clinical assessments. We want all of our patients to be as healthy as possible and avoid the damaging effects an auto accident can cause. When accidents strike, we are on hand to provide you a professional medical assessment and treatments to rehabilitate your body. Call today to learn more!

Shocking Statistics on Auto Accidents

  • The Centers for Disease Control report that each year, Americans spend more than 1 million days in the hospital due to auto-accident injuries.
  • Over 2.35 million Americans are injured or disabled each year in road crashes.
  • If we look at it on a global scale, 20-50 million are disabled each year (depending on the year).
  • Over 37,000 Americans die in road crashes each year.
  • Cell phone use leads to about 1.6 million collisions each year, resulting in about 330,000 injuries.
  • The Insurance Research Council reports that medical expenses due to road accidents continue to increase even though the severity of injuries continues to go down. (Another reason why you should look to centers such as ours for your treatment first).

Auto Injury Assessment and Treatment

We are thorough in our assessments with every patient who has been involved in an accident or collision. What do our assessments consist of? We perform a physical exam to test for bruising and internal injuries when you first come see us. Many injuries may not manifest directly after an auto-accident, so having an assessment within the first few days can show problems you weren’t initially aware of. We also provide:

  • X-rays to determine if fractures and breaks in the bones are present
  • Measurements of blood pressure and checking that vital signs are normal
  • Manual testing of the spine and neck to determine if limited range-of-motion is present and to assess degrees of soreness

Why Are Examinations So Important?

After an auto accident has occurred, emergency responders will stabilize all parties involved in the incident. Many will check for signs of concussion or internal injuries. If no visible signs of trauma are detected, you are generally allowed to return home. That does not mean that all is well in the body though. The first 24-48 hours is a critical time period for injuries, soreness and more to start manifesting itself in the body. The effects of an accident or collision are notorious for sometimes staying dormant for a day or two before a person starts feeling that something is wrong. You may develop a neuropathic problem a week, a month, or even a year down the road that stems from the initial incident. Pretty crazy, right? That is why we recommend a little extra attention right after an auto accident to prevent problems from occurring at a later time.

Chiropractic Care for Proper Healing

We have found that chiropractic care is amazing for our patients who utilize our auto-accident assessments and treatments. Even if you are just a little sore after an accident, at Mile High Spine & Pain Center, we can be sure that all is well with spinal and joint alignment and that no neuropathic or pain problems set in. Chiropractic care provides you with natural, non-surgical treatments to treat the body’s muscular, nervous and skeletal systems that may be misaligned or injured in an accident. Through gentle manipulation and realignment, as well as the assistance of massage therapy, electrical nerve stimulation, spinal decompression, ultrasound and more, we can restore proper function, range-of-motion and flexibility to the body. We can also relieve pain and neuropathic symptoms that you may be experiencing, all without the use of narcotic pain medicines or invasive procedures.

All of these chiropractic treatments can restore proper posture during the healing process, even if that healing is simply removing stress from the incident from your life. If you have been involved in an auto-accident, don’t hesitate to receive your comprehensive assessment! Call our office today at (720) 507-0080 for your free consultation!

Mile High Spine & Pain Center