6 Migraine Triggers to Avoid

06 Jan 6 Migraine Triggers to Avoid


Once migraine pain starts to ramp up, it’s hard to slow it down. Millions of people suffer from migraine and headache pain each week. Some people think these migraines are simply a way of life, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Certain habits that you have are actually migraine triggers. The more you know about your headache and migraine pain, the easier you can stop it from happening. Learn more about your pain and symptoms and 6 migraine triggers to avoid to help keep your pain at bay!

Migraines Vs. Headaches

Migraines and headaches can be similar. However, your regular headache is not usually accompanied by other symptoms like a migraine is. If your headache is from an illness, the headaches will stop once the illness is over. Migraines can be very intense headaches. They are headaches with moderate severity or worse and can come on suddenly. Migraines can also last much longer than a headache. Some people will have a migraine for 2 hours, while others will have severe head pain for up to 3 days at a time. This pain can be debilitating and make functioning throughout the day very hard.

Headaches sometimes just happen. However, we do know that there are migraine triggers that can cause you to have pain, and your pain comes with certain symptoms. Migraines cause symptoms that include:

  • Depression and irritability 1-2 days before a migraine starts
  • Yawning that is uncontrollable
  • Stiffness in the neck
  • Throbbing or regional head pain
  • Fainting or feelings of lightheadedness
  • Loss of vision and phenomenon-like flashing lights
  • Indigestion and vomiting
  • Difficulty speaking or writing

If you have been experiencing these symptoms, come into our office for an evaluation!

What Causes Migraines?

We see many patients that suffer from migraines and headaches. In the United States alone, more than 37 million people suffer from migraine headaches. That is about 13% of the U.S. population. Up to 3 million of those people suffer from chronic head pain. The occasional headache happens to most people, but when it’s intense and happens daily, you suffer from migraines. Migraines affect more women than men and can affect many people’s ability to work.

There are many causes of your head pain. Blood-sugar fluctuations can cause problems with not only headaches, but with your diet and overall wellness. Stress, interrupted or unusual sleeping patterns can also cause head pain. Food allergies, alcohol or drug addiction, chemical imbalances in the body, dehydration, lack of electrolytes and hormonal imbalances are also common causes.


What Are Migraine Triggers?

There are certain habits you can avoid that are migraine triggers. Here are some tips for reducing your migraines:

  1.     Catalog what you eat and drink. If you get a headache, write down the foods and drinks you had before it started. Watch for patterns. If something is a trigger, stay away from it!
  2.     Don’t skip meals. Migraine sufferers need to keep their blood sugar regulated.
  3.     Watch your caffeine intake. Too much can cause migraines, but going cold-turkey can also cause them. Slowly ease off caffeine if it is found to be one of your headache triggers.
  4.     Exercise is great, but be careful with the type you do and the frequency. Partner with your doctor to establish an appropriate exercise program. Certain exercises can be migraine triggers for some people.
  5.     Get your Z’s. Bad sleep habits or exhaustion can trigger migraines. Take time to power down your brain and body!
  6.     Eliminate stress. Try and eliminate things that make you tense while boosting things that give you joy and relaxation. Counseling and stress-management classes could be insightful.
  7.     Drink your water! Dehydration is one of the most common causes of migraines. Log your water intake and drink more in dry climates and after/during exercise.

Treat Your Head Pain

Come in for treatment at our Broomfield clinic to deal with your migraines and to help prevent them from happening in the first place. We can evaluate your habits and recommend lifestyle changes to help you avoid common migraine triggers. We can also test you for food allergies and environmental sensitivities that cause your symptoms. Our services such as such as tissue manipulation and trigger-point therapy can help relax tight spots that could cause your head pain. Spinal chiropractic care can also relieve nerve pressure that causes tension headaches and migraines. You have options when it comes to avoiding migraine triggers and treating your pain. See all your options today by calling Mile High Spine & Pain Center at (720) 507-0080!

Mile High Spine & Pain Center