What is Vibration Therapy?


11 Aug What is Vibration Therapy?

Whole body vibration with vibration therapy uses rapid vibration force to contract and relax your muscles.  These rapid muscle contractions trigger tissue stimulation, increased blood flow, and improved muscle tone. Vibration therapy can provide noticeable benefits for your spine and joints. A few minutes on a vibration platform can relieve chronic pain, allow tensed muscles to relax, and calm nerves that are irritated due to compression. The powerful vibrations work on tendons, ligaments, muscles, and discs all at the same time.

Understanding Vibration Therapy

Vibration therapy can provide you with pain relief and promote healing through natural, non-invasive methods that keep you out of surgery and away from narcotics and pharmaceuticals. Vibration therapy is offered at our Mile High Spine & Pain Center facility to help repair damaged soft tissues in your discs, ligaments and muscles. This passive therapy method uses a mechanical force to increase blood flow to the areas of your body that need it for healing and correction. Injuries and trauma cause scar tissue to adhere to soft tissues which can cause pain, limit range of motion, lead to inflammation, re-injury, and neuropathy. Vibration therapy uses a low frequency vibration (4.5 Hertz) to help relax tightened tissues and restore functionality. This low level of vibration provides a safe treatment method for patients that are suffering from both acute and chronic pain symptoms.

How Does Vibration Therapy Work?

A session of vibration therapy is conducted right in our Mile High Spine & Pain Center facility and is performed with your chiropractic physician to ensure your particular needs are met. Vibration therapy techniques can be designed for whole body treatment or localized treatment. Vibration therapy involves a mechanical, vibrating plate (platform) that you stand on. This vibration plate is adjusted to a pre-designated frequency by a trained member of our Mile High Spine & Pain Center team that is programmed by your individual goals and needs. As the machine vibrates, it transmits energy to your body, causing your muscles to contract and relax dozens of times each second–about 30-50 times a second. The motion may cause you to feel like you are exerting yourself, but without bodily stresses one would feel during regular exercises.  

What Health Benefits Does Vibration Therapy Offer?

It only takes about 15 minutes for your muscles to benefit from an impressive, zero-impact workout that results in increased strength, stability, and tone.  Other results from vibration therapy are increased blood flow and stronger and more flexible joints.  Research has also shown that vibration therapy can reduce the production of the stress hormone, cortisol.  Other benefits of vibration include:

  • Improved balance for older adults
  • Greater flexibility and a wider range of movement due to reduced tension and inflammation
  • Improved mineral density in the bones, which can prevent bone loss and common breaks in the hip or shoulder
  • Increased production of osteoblasts–cells that produce bone

Combined Treatment Options for Soft-Tissue Injuries

Vibration therapy is often combined with other treatment options at our Broomfield office like massage therapy, stretching, and home exercises for optimum results but is also a stand-alone therapy for chronic pain management, accelerated healing and recovery.  Chiropractic treatment is indispensable for soft-tissue injuries.  Muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatories and pain relievers do nothing to improve the outcome of an injured tissue, however, passive motion and vibration techniques increase joint mobility helping to relax muscles and give you the rehabilitation you need in a pain-free way.  Putting motion into healing soft tissues with vibration therapy is one of the best ways to help injuries get the blood they need to heal quickly and properly.  How your body forms and absorbs scar tissue will dictate treatment methods. Mile High Spine & Pain Center treatment options that are often used in conjunction with vibration therapy to help with soft-tissue injuries include:

  • MRI scans to determine if the tendons are swollen or enlarged
  • Instruction on exercise adjustments that eliminate the irritation
  • Gentle stretching to help you eliminate tension in the hip or knee: This includes the prescription of three to five daily exercises designed to increase strength and flexibility.
  • Massage and pain management for short term injury
  • Balance adjustments
  • Trigger Point Therapy:  An effective method for easing muscle tension and reducing the pain caused by knots in your muscles that refer pain to other parts of your body. For instance, a “muscle knot” in the back can cause referred pain in the neck, while one in the neck can create problems ranging from dull headaches to severe migraines.
  • Dry Needle Therapy

Schedule a Free Vibration Therapy Consultation

If you are suffering from back pain or neck pain, the team at Mile High Spine & Pain Center  is ready to help with vibration therapy. We provide specialized treatment plans for spinal pain in the Broomfield community which can help you understand where your symptoms are coming from and what it will take to improve.  Call (720) 507-0080  today to schedule your consultation!

Mile High Spine & Pain Center