How Effective is Chiropractic Care?

27 Apr How Effective is Chiropractic Care?


Chiropractic Care

According to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), over 27 million Americans are treated by a chiropractor each year for pain and spinal issues. That number includes not only adults, but children as well. Chiropractic medicine is a natural and drugless alternative to surgeries and medicines that many doctors prescribe to treat spinal and back pain. Medicines tend to mask pain symptoms temporarily and problems can come back even after surgeries. Many studies have been conducted that show chiropractic care has significant success in improving spine and back pain in patients who use it. Our Mile High Spine & Pain Center medical professionals are skilled to correctly relieve pressure in misaligned vertebrae and loosen joints to relieve muscle tension and access damaged nerves that cause pain. If you’re experiencing back pain and want a solution that will change your life, call us today to schedule your consultation. With our treatments, we can show you how highly effective chiropractic care is for your pain and how it can change your life.

Back Pain

Back pain is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide, especially when it comes to days of missed work for professionals. The American Chiropractic Association has found that about ½ of all working Americans suffer from various back pain symptoms and that most of this pain is not caused by chronic conditions (such as arthritis and diabetes), but from the stress put on the body. Simple movements can strain a muscle or rupture a disk, especially in those who are over 65 years of age. Injuries can also occur that sprain ligaments and irritate joints, all of which lead to back pain. But even simple causes such as poor posture or obesity could be causing your pain. Whatever the reason, the pain and symptoms caused by these actions are naturally correctable with the proper treatment.

Chiropractic Care

The ACA suggests proper spinal manipulation and chiropractic adjustment to relieve tension placed on the musculoskeletal system, especially the back. Our chiropractic specialists provide natural, drugless and especially non-invasive hands-on techniques to correct problems associated with the body’s muscular, nervous and skeletal systems. We often pair our spinal manipulations and chiropractic adjustments with other therapies such as electrical nerve stimulation, ultrasound and vibration therapy to pinpoint areas with trigger points or herniated discs in the body and fix them. We believe in treating the source of the problem for long-lasting pain relief instead of just providing medicine to mask symptoms and pain. With each visit, we conduct a postural and spinal analysis and review your systems to detect vertebral dysfunction, subluxations, improper placement of the vertebrae and more. When it comes to a problem with the back, it can lead to problems with the nervous system, especially neuropathic symptoms. You may not just have spinal or back pain but also numbness, tingling in the body, inflammation or other symptoms that could naturally be fixed with a spinal adjustment.

What Is a Spinal Adjustment?

A healthy spine will have a proper and natural alignment that allows the body to carry itself and perform daily tasks with ease. The spine can become misaligned through injury, overuse and even simple tasks such as picking something up off the floor or turning wrong. Misalignment causes compressed or herniated discs, which usually means the nerve has been compressed as well, causing localized symptoms or problems elsewhere in the body. Our chiropractic specialists will apply a small amount of focused pressure to the area that is misaligned or causing you pain. This pressure tends to move the joints and muscles from their frozen and misaligned state back to their proper position. There is usually a small popping noise when chiropractic adjustment is done, followed by immediate relief of pain in many cases. This popping and creaking follows normal spinal function, as the spine tends to pop and creak throughout the day—you probably just don’t notice it. We can also provide light-force adjustment that will use lighter focused pressure in all the areas of the back. This means that we can also naturally treat children, senior citizens and expectant mothers for their back pain.

Why Choose Chiropractic Care?

The ACA states that chiropractic care outperformed “all other back pain treatments” such as yoga, pilates, OTC and prescription medications, deep-tissue massage and more. Chiropractors focus on the muscular, nervous, and skeletal systems to analyze improper vertebrae placement and realign the spine through applying focused pressure to the vertebrae. A series of spinal and chiropractic adjustments can naturally restore proper body alignment and thus proper body function, improved posture and range of motion, as well as a greater flexibility in your back and joints. The musculoskeletal system will no longer be bogged down with misalignment and compression on nerves and discs that were originally causing your symptoms and pain.

You could be part of the 27+ million Americans successfully treated for pain and spinal issues. Chiropractic medicine is a natural and drugless alternative to invasive surgeries and medicines that mask your symptoms. Every single one of our chiropractic specialists are trained to relieve your muscle tension and realign your spine and body to get your body functioning better. There’s really nothing you could lose (besides the pain that is) by trying chiropractic care today. To learn more about this service or any of our other effective, natural treatments and therapies, call Mile High Spine & Pain Center today at (720) 507-0080

Mile High Spine & Pain Center