Are Trigger Points Getting You Tied Up In Knots?

04 Sep Are Trigger Points Getting You Tied Up In Knots?

trigger points

If you are experiencing pain or tension in your muscles, a trigger point could be the culprit. Trigger points are knots of tension that lie along bands of skeletal muscle tissue. This can make exercise or everyday movements painful and can last for many weeks or longer. Research has found that manipulation of these points can help remove them from the body and release pent-up tension that is causing you pain. With therapy, we can help you detect your trigger points and provide effective therapies to relieve your pain and tension. Get back to your normal routine today, pain free, with our help!


What Are Trigger Points?

A trigger point is basically a knot of tension that can cause pain and neuropathy symptoms in patients. By definition, it is a “sensitive area of the body, stimulation or irritation of which causes a specific effect in another part of the body.” Patients will feel musculoskeletal pain in an area of the body when a trigger point has been irritated and they may even feel the knot that is causing the pain. Trigger points are actually nodes of tension located on bands of skeletal muscle tissue. When one or more is activated, they tense up and create a knot-like lump that can compress nerves in the body. That compression creates pain and inflammation in that area and other areas of the body.


What Are Some of the Facts?

There are many things we know about trigger points:

  • There are about 620 different points in the human body that can become trigger points. This is because they lie on bands of skeletal muscle tissue. With over 640 muscles in the human body, it’s no wonder there are so many muscular areas that could house a trigger point.
  • The back and neck are some of the most common areas that patients have trigger points. There are many causes, but one of the reasons is because of how much the back and neck works each day to hold up the rest of the body, as well as improper posture in many patients.
  • Some trigger points are palpable. Those large and small knots of tension you’ve felt before? They are probably trigger points.
  • A knot of tension can cause pain and symptoms in one part of the body, but it may also cause symptoms in a completely unrelated part of the body. For example, a compressed nerve in the back can cause tingling and numbness in the feet. That is why it’s important to see a professional if your pain doesn’t go away.
  • Some factors that contribute to activating a trigger point include: muscle overload on a daily basis, a traumatic event, chronic stress, muscle strains, sprains and tears, car accidents, sports injuries, infections, poor posture, habits such as smoking and disorders such as anxiety or depression.


Untying Your Knots

Fortunately for you, there are many treatments that we have found to be effective when it comes to removing trigger points. Our treatments include:

  • Electrostimulation – This is done through a safe TENS unit. Electrostimulation helps to stimulate the muscles, contracting and relaxing them. This helps to release tension and speed nutrients quicker to your muscles, which helps with inflammation and pain.
  • Myotherapy – This can involve deep tissue massage that works to untie the knots you have so that the pressure in that area is gone. This may also involve tapping pressure.
  • Vibration Exercises – This is similar to electrostimulation, but is done on a vibration machine with you standing. This machine helps your muscles to contract and relax dozens of times per second.
  • Massage Therapy – Similar to deep-tissue massage but for those trigger points that don’t lie as deep in the tissues.
  • Stretching – Assisted and home-stretching exercises have been found to help improve muscle tone and decrease the amount of pressure you have built up in your muscles.
  • Injections – We have special injections that can help break down the scar tissue you may have in your muscles that create knots. These injections can also help to heal the affected muscles.


Why Is This Important?

Trigger points can compress nerves. When nerves become compressed, you can experience symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling, weakness, a reduced range of motion and more. That’s just to name a few. Plus, trigger points are just plain painful! Nobody wants to be in pain and nobody wants to have something that affects their day and their performance. You don’t have to with the right treatment. If trigger points are affecting how well you perform in sports or are just a nuisance in your day-to-day life, call our Mile High Spine & Pain Center office today at (720) 507-4065. We can help untie your knots today!


Mile High Spine & Pain Center